Sunday, 28 October 2012

A Week of Duties and Even More Porn!

Monday 22nd October to Sunday 28th October 2012

Regular Duties
   I've called these regular duties because they happen almost every week - the Executive Committee met on Monday evening, and it was exciting as we welcomed the newly elected students. The great thing was, we were able to talk about their manifestos and to see where we could work together. For example, I really want to make our Union more accessible by making videos, and so I can work with Ashna who is the Rhubarb TV Station Manager, and also Zosia who is Communications Officer. 
   Tuesday we had the General Meeting, and to try and make the elections more accessible we made and printed out sheets of paper with each of the roles available. They also had a photo of the Exec Officer you could talk to if you were unsure about running. It proved successful, as a few people ran who otherwise might not have. 
   On the I&R Senate, we still have the positions of BME Rep and Disability Rep up for grabs! Like our I&R Senate page on Facebook to find out more here, or email me at
   Now, this isn't a duty, but it is regular! On my Wednesday radio show "Desert Island Sid" I had the pleasure of interviewing the resident Catholic Chaplain, Father John Dickson. He had a great many interesting stories to tell, and he was a genuinely fantastic guest! Next week, we have one of our very own Undergraduate Politics & International Relations students, Claire O'Reilly!
From left to right - Art Mitchells-Urwin, Anthony Morgan,
Alex Dymock and Sarah Harman.

Let's Talk About Porn
   Oh yes! And talk about it we did! The four speakers: Art Mitchells-Urwin, Anthony Morgan, Alex Dymock and Sarah Harman all provided a real insight into why it is illegal in the UK to see a woman ejaculate, the effect porn has on relationships, the legal technicalities around censorship and finally the multiple perceptions of porn. It was great to have so many people turn up and engage with the topic.
   We talked about how the narrative in porn allows for a conversation leading to consent, as sex doesn't happen in a vacuum and this conversation is important. We talked about cartoon porn, and how it created a dimension of things that are not otherwise possible or could cause harm to one party in particular, such as bestiality. The most important thing we touched upon was censorship, and how it was important not to have any. This allows the individual to search for their own desires whilst avoiding any societal pressure about what "should" turn you on. In relation to younger people accessing this kind of material, it was reasoned that we were all curious young naive adults once, and that porn is one way of exploring your sexuality. For example in a heteronormative world, recognising that being attracted to people of the same gender or sex as yourself is okay and normal. Also, the structure of the internet means you need to actively search for it. A few people talked about their own experiences in discovering porn, and we realised how important it was for us to view consumers as individuals, and not as groups of people. 
The infamous poster.
   All in all it was a fantastic talk and there will be more to follow. They are run by the I&R Senate, so get involved by liking the page (link is above). You can pick up a copy of the Orbital and find an article I wrote to promote the event!

Come in your Socs
   This was held on Wednesday night, where everyone heads to the Student's Union as part of their Societies! I went as part of Feminism Society and Philosophy Society (one lone question mark was penned onto my shoulder!). I had a great time and fully dressed up for the occasion!

Potential Founders Library Wheelchair Accessibility
   This is an exciting little gem of an idea that myself and Chelsea, the International Student's Officer are working on. Founders library is infamously shut off to students who require wheelchairs, but Chelsea has spotted an easy access route. We are currently finding out how far College have taken this request, and hoping to be able to provide input. If you would like to be involved in this, why not run for Disability rep?

Zero Tolerance
   The SU management requested business cards with the information needed for students who had experienced sexual harassment. I have made them, and although they are very simple they have all of the information that you could possibly need. On it you will be able to find contact details for welfare support from both the college and the university, and even an anonymous website where you can post if you'd like to talk about it but not report it. Security will carry these in their pockets, and hand them to both the people who report and violation of the Zero Tolerance policy. 
   In other news, our SURHUL venue has been accredited as a Zero Tolerance university! This means that Womens NUS will soon be providing us with information and resources to begin training the staff of our SU. This is great news!

That's all from me! Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

London Liberation Meetings, Elections and Porn

Monday 15th October to Sunday 21st October 2012

ULU London Student Liberation Network Meeting
Monday evening I had the pleasure of attending the London Student Liberation Network meeting, orgainsed by ULU. It was fantastic to meet other activists from London University Campuses being so passionate and active about liberation and cross networking. I realised how important it was to have support from other key activists, but also to find out what worked at University, when and where - so many of the liberation or equality issues we have to focus on are sensitive yet different for every institution, and every individual. It was great to meet them all, but it also made me realise how much harder my role is at the moment, and how far Royal Holloway has come. 
As Equality & Liberation Officer, I am expected to represent every group of students - which is near enough impossible. In London, each activist specialised in one liberation branch; either LGBT+, or Black, or Women, or Disability - but not all. This meant that each activist could work with the other Officers on inter-sectionality, but also put all of their effort into promoting, raising awareness and engaging the group they were representing. 
This is why SURHUL has come so far - each Rep I am currently representing will become an Officer in their own right later this year. This means each Officer will have more voting power, more time to focus on and work with the groups they represent and also creates a team of passionate liberation activists at Royal Holloway. 

Jess the Gender Rep and Susuana the FemSoc President
after the Zero Tolerance meeting
Zero Tolerance Campaign Update
This week I met up with the SU management, the Sabbatical officers and also Susuana the Feminist Society President and Jess the Gender Equality Rep to talk about the campaign in our Union. Susuana has come across a really great idea called Hollaback, which creates an app for your phones that informs you of where and when you can get support. It's a great idea! We're also looking at designing business cards for security to give to students when they report harassment, whilst looking into getting accredited by the Womens NUS as a Zero Tolerance Union. Plenty of ideas flowing, so keep your eyes peeled! We're hoping to develop this further, which takes time!

Inclusion & Representation Senate
Our first meeting of the year! Was fantastic that so many people showed up to support what we're trying to do. The Gender Rep Jess, LGBT+ Rep Moose and Englefield Green Rep Rustam came back with some really positive things that they had been working on, and it was only the first meeting! We covered our purpose and functions, and addressed some possible future campaigns, including for SHAG week (Sexual Health Advice and Guidance). In the pipeline are talks on Sex and Sexuality, campaigns for World Aids Day and hopefully a few Gender discussions too. Come along to the next I&R Senate in Imagine, 6pm on Thursday the 1st November, would be great to see you! We will hopefully have cake (mmm) and might even be taking a video camera along too!

Martha, Adam and Joe at the Open Day a little while back
Elections and Results Night
NUS Delegate and Officer elections have been happening across campus this week - I have been helping out a the polling booth, and even went to the Candidates Question Time. It can be very nerve-wrecking, speaking to a crowd and answering questions on the spot, but each candidate did exceptionally well. Congratulations to those of you who won the roles! To those of you who lost, it takes great guts to run campaigns promoting yourself and your values - so congratulations, and I hope to see you in the SU again soon. 
Results night was last night, in Medicine. What was surprising was how close some of the votes were - no more than 10 on several occasions!
That night I also a) found out that people actually read this (!) and b) had someone give me some great ideas to ensure I am as accessible as possible! Watch this space closely. 

Radio Show
Me in the SAC Office after
our first I&R Senate!
Again, Wednesdays at 11am I interview the staff, students, lecturers or even community members of the Egham and Englefield Green area of Surrey. We find out about your lives, your favourite songs and what you've been up to so far! My guest this week was Nehanda Loiseau, all the way from the states to study a masters in playwriting here at Holloway. My next guest is Father John Dickson, our resident Catholic Chaplain! You can apply to be on the show, or listen live by following this link:

This weekend I was busy, but in the meantime there was the TUC Demo in London standing up against the cuts. It's great to see so many people take to the streets in protest, to show that we are not happy with the decisions they are making. Sunday was the community tea party, which sounds like it was a hoot! I couldn't make it due to last-minute shift covering, but it sounds like it was a blast.

Coming Up This Week 

TUESDAY 23RD October 6.30pm is the next General Meeting, come along and find out what we are standing for and against in our Union.

WEDNESDAY 24TH October there is my Radio Show at 11am (listen in!) and later that evening the "Come In You Socs" event, where people turn up in their Societies. I won't tell you just yet who I'll be going with, but I'll see you there!

FRIDAY 26TH OCTOBER, 6.30PM we have the Let's Talk About Porn!
Come along, it looks to be a great discussion, with many different points of view coming together to talk.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Why is Zero Tolerance important?

Zero Tolerance is fighting against a deeply ingrained culture, one that is commonly accepted amongst many of us.

There is a culture of tolerance, that a grope or demeaning comment is just a joke, and because it only feels like it happens to you, you don't want to make a fuss; that each incident is in isolation. In truth, this is happening all the time all around us - and we need to stand up to it together and stamp out the culture of tolerance. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, it is not ok.

Zero Tolerance Logo
It's not just about you - it's about keeping your friends, your family, your housemates and even your acquaintances safe and respected.

You've heard of the Broken Windows Theory? When a building gets a broken window, and nobody fixes it, boards it up or replaces it, more broken windows appear. The building becomes derelict, as more and more people comfortably take liberties at wrecking it. However, if the window is repaired straight away, the building remains immaculate. Nobody takes liberty with that.

That, my friends, is the Zero Tolerance approach.

In our SU this approach is being applied to racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and sexual harassment. Just like the building in the Broken Windows Theory, any unnacceptable behaviour will be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Even a seemingly small incident will be taken seriously and acted upon by security. This isn't to stop you from having a good time - no, it's to make sure you have a great time, so you have somewhere incredible to go out and that no matter what happens, you will be safe.

It's to create a place that lives up to the name - a Union for Students.

Because that's what we're here to do; to represent you, fight for you, support you, encourage you. University isn't just about getting a degree - it's about learning to live with people, learning to look after yourself and to keep on top of studying, finding out who you are, and what you stand for. You do this through societies and sports, through volunteering, essays, revision, part-time work, commuting and staying in touch with your folks back home. You pick up a great many skills here, not in the least how to get along with all kinds of people and show them the respect they deserve.

So Zero Tolerance isn't just about protecting and supporting other people - it's to support you, the friends you make here and the people you care about; because nobody deserves any less.

If you want to find out more about getting involved in the SU, you can turn up to our General Meetings (GM) which are every third Tuesday, or get involved in the Inclusion & Representation (I&R) Senate which meets next on Thursday the 18th, 6pm, Rialto.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

My Week and a Dr Seuss Quote

Monday 8th October to Sunday 4th October 2012

Funny thing is, I decided to take it easy this week...

Monday I met up with the Executive Committee to talk about the upcoming elections. All very exciting stuff, you can see who's running and for what position on the SU website here: . Do take the time to read their manifestos and vote - it's very important that you choose who you want to represent you.

Tuesday I met up with the Representation person in the SU, to talk about the development of the I&R Senate ,what it means and it's limitations. This information will be used to create a strategy for the following years, and to keep us on track! It was hard to be honest about the difficulties the I&R Senate faces; not because being honest is difficult, but facing the realities of the hurdles we face to get people to care, and to get people involved. I truly believe that ensuring equality, liberation and representation for all students is the most important thing that a union can do, and I'm working on making that a well known and core concept.

Photo from my campaign to get elected last year.
Wednesday I had my first radio show - EVER! It was really nerve-wrecking, but I had planned it well and I thoroughly enjoyed it! My guest was also brilliant, and we talked about her favourite songs, some facts about her and even some of her fears! Tune in every Wednesday from 11am to 12pm! If you would like to appear on the show, you just need to be free at 11am for an hour, and to think of six songs and six facts about yourself. I have an application form to make it easier, so just email me! Find out more about Insanity Radio in general here:

Thursday I was supposed to be in three places at once. I really wish I had some kind of magic stop watch - there was a really cool talk on gender and the Victorian era held by Philosophy Society and Feminism Society, where I gave an introductory talk on gender today. I also wanted to be at the ACS TeachFirst event in Rialto that day, but missed it by 10minutes! If that stop watch gets invented, let me know! Next was a forum to organise for the upcoming Demos - both the TUC and the later NUS ones. We had some great ideas going! Do get involved and stand up for what you believe in, not just for yourself but for your family and friends, whom these things also affect. Find out more and join the Anti-Cuts Alliance here:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”  Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Friday I met up with our Gender Representative Jess to talk over briefly some plans, and I did the same with the LGBT+ Representative Moose. We just came up with some ideas for campaigns to take to the next I&R senate - which is THIS THURSDAY AT 6PM, RIALTO! Very excited, looking forward to meeting you all and getting some great plans rolling!
Then there was an Entertainments Committee meeting - it was pretty interesting, we talked about how to improve SU and Medicine nights and what the students really want. We have a very active Entertainments Officer - Dan, so please do get involved if you want to have a say in the SU events. You can find out more here: , or by emailing Dan himself.

Today, Sunday, there is a Feminist Student Coordinating Meeting in the Feminist Library, London. I really recommend going if you can, because they're super friendly and very active. Find out more info here: . It starts at 3pm! Unfortunately I can't make it today, but be sure to have a good time! There is also a five-a-side football tournament to celebrate Black History Month - it begins at 2pm, and looks to be great fun! Get involved or pop down to cheer them on. Again, more information here: . 

That's all from me so far - today I'm going to have to focus on my course and prepare the Insanity show for this Wednesday! I'm also excited for tomorrow, where I will be attending the ULU Liberation Network meeting. Again, more information here

Over and out!

Catch you later!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Weekly Update: Courses, Meetings and Training

Monday 1st October to Sunday 7th October 2012

What a week!

Zero Tolerance
I met up with a member of SU Management to talk about implementing the Zero Tolerance policy in the Union. The security codes of conduct already match up with the Zero Tolerance approach, so now it's just about getting accredited by the Women's NUS as a Zero Tolerance Union. We've also emailed around a leaflet I made explaining ZT to the SU staff, and I'm about to start printing off hard copies to hand out to staff, students, and student staff. VPComCam has set up a working group to work on the ZT Campaign - if you would like to get involved and come to the meeting, please just send me an email!

ACA + Exec
Claire loves Zero Tolerance
I went to the Anti-Cuts Alliance meeting on Monday - it's very important to stand up against the government cuts, as they seem to be attacking women, people with disabilities and the poor. I'll write a blog post later to explain why I think this, filled with statistics to win you round. I promise, you won't have to wait too long for it. If you would like to get involved or find out more in the meantime, get in touch.

Exec in the evening was fine, got it done in an hour (would you believe it!?) and starred some motions for the next GM.

I also met up with some lovely people to talk about making our Union more accessible to students with disabilities. It seems that many students do not self-define as disabled, even though under the eyes of the law they are titled as such. It is very important that we make our Union as accessible as possible; so far, the position as Disabled Students Rep is still vacant on the I&R Senate, though ideas are in the pipeline for a name change. If you would like to get involved or have any ideas, contact me!

General Meeting
Then - the GM! Jess Goldsmith was elected as Gender Rep for the I&R Senate (and rightly so, I just know she'll do a great job!). Thank you to those who stayed until the end - it was a long session (but not as long as last year's, believe it or not!). Congratulations to all of you who got new positions, this will be a very exciting year!

NUS Black History Month Poster
Insanity Radio Training
I've also had some very exciting Insanity Radio training - yes! You guessed it! I have my own radio show! It's where I will be interviewing people from the community such as yourself - staff, students and locals, about their lives and favourite songs. If you would like to be on the show, please email me and I'll send you an application form I have designed. The form takes 10minutes, the show is an hour long, and the first one is on Wednesday at 11am! (Really quite nervous!).

Black History Month & BME Rep
I also met up with the President of ACS, to talk about Black History Month and increasing BME representation in the union - the BME Rep is still vacant on the I&R Senate, and we have lots of great ideas so if you're interested, get in touch! Check out the Black History Month posters around campus, and also the YOLO event held by ACS on the 10th October - looks to be a great night! They've also got a great line up of events for the month, ending with a live music session on the 1st November. Check out what they get up to and show your support!

Feminism Society & a talk on "Change"
Finally, I went to Fem Soc on Thursday, and it was great to see so many new faces! It looks like we have several great ideas for campaigns this year. Get in touch with Feminism Society if you're even mildly interested - they're a great laugh (contrary to the stereotype) and very friendly. They's also got a fantastic blog and society magazine, which you get for free when you sign up!

Me & my diary!
That evening I went to the talk called "Change!? How do we fight austerity?", which was pretty interesting. I had to stand at the back by the end though - I'd run out of soothers and my cough was getting worse! So that distracted me, and I can't tell you what the conclusion was.

Other News
In other news my course has also started and I have two essays to hand in before mid-Novemeber (argh!), and I also work part-time on campus on the weekend. I'm not complaining, I love being busy, but here's a photo of me with my colour-coded diary (yes, it's a grasshopper in the bottom corner!).

Oh, and I went to the Steam Fair on the Englefield Green. IT WAS EPIC!


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Zero Tolerance Statement from Welcome Week

This is the official statement made by the SU, in response to Welcome Week. This is in particular for anyone who felt uncomfortable during SU nights. We are working together to make the Zero Tolerance approach to sexual harassment more prominent, and a working group is being set up as you read this. If you would like to get involved in the working group, then please email me on

"This Monday SURHUL held our first Club Night of the year in the Student’s Union building, it has come to our attention that a number of events occurred on that night that made students feel uncomfortable in our venue, and we can only apologise for that, the events were unforeseen and we have already taken steps to ensure that such events will not occur again.
The Students’ Union of Royal Holloway venues have a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is any behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable, this includes, but is not limited to: unwanted sexual comments, inappropriate touching or groping, or someone exposing their sexual organs to you without your consent.
This term the Students’ Union will be further publicising this campaign whilst taking steps to enforce it in our venues, taking a clear stance that sexual harassment is no more acceptable than racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism or ableism. At no point will we accept such behaviour towards other members of the Students’ Union or to our Staff.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable or threatened in one of the Students’ Union venues, we urge you to approach a member of staff to help resolve the issue, do not go on in silence."