Sunday, 24 March 2013

Chairing, I&R and the End of Term!

Monday 18th to Sunday the 24th March 2013

Inclusion & Representation Senate

We met on Tuesday in Rialto at 5pm (as per usual). We reflected on our campaigns over the past year and our successes, our failures - in short, what we could learn from this term and last. We decided that the photo campaigns were good, but that working with Rhubarb TV on videos was more engaging. We talked about whether this blog should continue, and about the new Liberation Officers taking it over next year (which we thought would be an excellent idea!).
I mentioned how I had wanted to work on a Disability Video this term to highlight the variety of inclusion here at Royal Holloway, but that time had slipped from my fingers. We've decided to try and organise it for during the next term if possible. If you would like to get involved, or would like to know more then do not hesitate to get in touch!
Next term we will have one long meeting to come up with as many ideas as possible for engaging next year's freshers, and we'll have an I&R Senate meeting every other week until the exams are over, when they will resume. Keep your eye on the I&R Senate facebook page to keep in the loop:

Chairing the General Meeting

On Tuesday evening we had the General Meeting (GM) where I was asked to chair. 
I had never chaired such a large gathering of students before, and was honoured to have Hannah by my side to help out! It was odd to be on the other side of the meeting. Usually I would have sat amongst you, but I was in front and I could see all of the tired and moody faces! Fair enough, it was deadline week and the last week of term. We all needed a break. 
I tried to make it engaging by getting people to high-five the people next to them, pat each other on the back. It was fun to behave unexpectedly, I was pleased with how many people got involved. I think that I will be chairing the following General Meeting, so watch this space! If you think I could improve as chair, then please do let me know. I love hearing new ideas, and I am just trying my best. 

It's cold outside, so wrap up warm!

My usual duties this week went by as they usually do. As you may know, my role has been split into four: and two positions are still open. These are the Black & Minority Ethnicity Officer and Disability Officer. There will be bi-elections in June, so if you are curious about any of the roles then do not hesitate to get in touch! I can tell you how much time it takes, what you have to do etc. It's not as scary as it first seems!

It's now Easter Break, although "break" suggests there is some rest involved, but we know we have a long revision period ahead of us. Do take time out to treat yourself, to relax, to be active. The I&R Senate are hoping to share through facebook lots of tips and ideas for an effective exam period, and one that is a little less stressful! If you have any ideas, do get in touch!

Over and out, catch you later alligators!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Zero Tolerance, Taxis and Women in Leadership

Monday 11th to Sunday 17th March 2013

I've spent most of this week either recovering from campaigning last week, or focusing on my Project which is due this Thursday. Campaigning can really wipe the energy out of you! It's exhausting both physically and mentally to continuously approach people and convince them of your cause. I'm lucky to have had such a motivated and cheerful campaign team on my side last week. Anybody who took part in the elections, I hope you've taken the time to rest, and properly!

A campaign photo from last week

Egham Wheelchair Access
It's come to my attention that there are no wheelchair accessible taxis in the Egham area. I've called all of the companies, and confirmed that this is the case. More than the average individual, students who use wheelchairs may have compromising levels of energy - making a safe and quick route home essential. I was going to write a motion on this for the next GM (this Tuesday at 6pm in the SU main hall, for those of you who are curious!) however, I am currently wondering whether it would be better to campaign on making Sshh buses wheelchair accessible (which is difficult, but probably not impossible). If you'd like to tell me your thoughts, please email me! Regardless, it is something that we will be working on!

Zero Tolerance policy to sexual harassment in action
Friday night I went out to the SU (as you do) and somebody who I both work with and is a friend of mine told me that they reported sexual harassment to the security staff. It was dealt with quickly and efficiently, which is great because it means that the Zero Tolerance policy to sexual harassment is working! There are a few small things to iron out, but it works and made this student feel safer. It's great to be working on things that are actually making a difference. It's even better when it works!

Duties and the "Women in Leadership" discussion 
As per usual, I have also been going to Executive Committee meetings as part of my role. 
This Friday, there was a discussion held by the Feminism Society and the Inclusion & Representation Senate on Women in Leadership. Both Susuana Antubam (ULU Women's Officer and NUS Women's Committee member) and Joanna Killian (Chief Executive of Essex County Council) spoke about the utility of quotas, their experiences and consistently proving themselves. It was a very engaging talk, one that reminded me of the NUS Women's Conference that I went to last year - powerful women spreading their enthusiasm. We talked about the importance of mentoring and of knowing the jobs that are out there, that can apply to you. It was great, a small turn out but a discussion that made a difference.

Radio and Dinner
On my radio show this week, Martha Gillespie was my guest! Listen online at next week at 11am, when my guest is Simon Davidian!
And on Friday I was lucky enough to go to the History Society's Formal Dinner, which was a hoot (despite the fire alarm between starter and main!). I went as somebody got ill and dropped out, but I can tell you that I appreciated the meal and wine more than you'll ever know!

Absurdly cheesy photo here, in case you've forgotten
what I look like!

This Week!
The I&R Senate are having their last meeting of the term in Rialto this Tuesday at 5pm, just before the GM. Come along, let your curiosity guide you!

What can I leave you with? Look after yourselves, and have fun. Exam period is coming up next, and there is nothing more testing than months of revision and exams! Come and talk to me anytime, I'll be around campus all Easter to get going on the work that needs to be done. Have a great week!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Election Results and a Week Off Duty

Hello! So, seeing as it was election week and I was running for a position, I had to put all that was Equality & Liberation aside for this week. I wasn't allowed to officially continue my role, in short. This also meant giving up the radio show this week, but I will be back on air at 11am this Wednesday!

But you really want to know about the elections, right?

I ran for Vice President Education & Welfare, against five other candidates.
We were all invited to take part in an Insanity Radio Question Time, and a live Question Time event at the SU. Here we were asked about our ideas for the role and checked on our knowledge of the role so far. We were also filmed by the Demoks and Rhubarb to create a compilation video of what campaigning is all about!

It was an incredibly long and tough week: my campaign team and I were outside every day in all kinds of weather - sunshine, clouds and rain. Not only my own campaign team but others as well.

I have to say, running for the position of VP Education & Welfare was tough. Not only did each candidate have interesting and engaging ideas, but there were 6 of us all campaigning tirelessly. I am honoured to have been able to compete with such excellent candidates.

I am pleased to announce that my team effort paid off, as I am the VP Education & Welfare Sabbatical Officer for the following year with over 600 vote!. Feels so strange to type that out, I still haven't gotten used to the prospect! Been walking around in a smiley haze for the past 24hours or so!

I'm looking forward to spending an extra year here, in order to make even more of a difference. I won't let you down.

My manifesto, thanks to Milo Hartnoll

Sunday, 3 March 2013

History Months, Elections and a General Meeting

Monday the 25th February to Sunday the 3rd March

It has moved on from LGBT+ History Month (February) to Women's History Month (March)!
LGBT Society had organised a great load of events, which was a pleasure to attend and promote. Now though, the history month passes on to Women! Feminism Society have plenty of things planned with the Inclusion & Representation Senate, not to mention that Friday the 8th March is International Women's Day, and various acts will be performing in Stumble Inn, so come along to check us out! You can find out more on the Royal Holloway Feminism Society page:

Helen Keller
So, let's kick of the month with a woman that I find inspirational. I know that I mentioned her for Disabled History Month, but I'm a major supporter of intersectionality!
She is not only an incredible woman, but an incredible person. 
I'm fond of quotes, so here's another one from her:

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."

She was blind, which gives this quote all the more resonance. Find out more about her here:

Someone I discovered fairly recently was Sylvia Plath, through Twitter nonetheless! Fragments of her writing were tweeted, and I loved a great deal of them. She is someone else I think we should remember on International Women's Day! Find out more about her here:

Relax with some Equalitea.

What else can I update you on? 
The General Meeting on Tuesday was long, and sometimes tedious - but we were passing motions on student worker rights, the right to choose and also the right to have a place to live. That GM, my friends, is what they should be like. A body of students making incredible decisions that input on the national student body, the NUS. We were shaping our future.
It also struck me how much I'd grown. I'll never forget the first time I walked into a GM, shy by the sheer number of people I didn't know. I'd resolved to run for Gender Rep, and so I sat by myself and waited right to the end for the elections. I was nervous during my two minute speech, but I gave it my best shot and I got it! I will always be proud of that moment. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for! I remember the first time I proposed a motion, and the second. I remember the nerves and my notebook with my speech notes, and I remember the relief when it passed and the slight disappointment when it fell - no matter, we'll try again.
I knew I had grown this time when I had very little time to prepare my speeches, and when amendments were proposed that I rejected or accepted as I saw fit. I was able to judge very quickly whether I thought the suggestion was reasonable or hampering the point of the motion - something I never thought I would be able to do. Standing in front of everyone, making quick decisions and then explaining your reasoning - that's something I didn't know I could do until this Tuesday. And now I can!

Me in my room. Oh yeah.


They are happening as I type. By this Saturday, we will know who has earned which role! It's very exciting as I am running myself as well, for the position of Vice President Education & Welfare! You can vote this Thursday the 7th March and Friday the 8th March 2013. I'll attach the links so that you can find out more if you're interested!

You can see everybody who is running here:

Next time that I write a blog post, we'll know who's won. Good luck to all of the candidates!
Until next time, folks!