Sunday, 8 December 2013

Finally my officer update!

It's been a month and a week since the end of Black History Month (BHM). With the help of two lovely (then still unofficial) subcommittee members, we were able to successfully put on three events. First we had a careers centred talk on networking with the participation of Young Black Graduates UK and the Civil Service promoting its Fast Stream Scheme.
me and the YBG reps

Next, we had a heated and passionate discussion/talk in ALT1: "Black History Month: is it enough?". The panel of speakers was diverse and passionate about the topic and so was the audience. We raised some controversial questions on BHM and racial discrimination.
Finally Mangaliso Asi, a South African conscious rapper, came to perform for us at the Stumble Inn.
Then my very talented friend and DJ Michael, played some cool beats for us.

I also attended a BME officers National Networking workshop event at UCL, organised by the UCL BME officer Shanell Jonson. There I learned more about BME related issues in education and careers and made some new friends :). It was very interesting and insightful and gave me a bunch of ideas.

So Black History Month was successful but not as much as it could be. For starters there should be an ongoing sense of cultural education not only limited to one month of the year. Secondly I aim to set a standard this year and lay the foundations for a progressively inclusive and representative community for students at Royal Holloway. I want to create something that can be built upon in the years to come. Such as starting RHUL BME traditions to enable cultural diversity and exchange to really flourish and enrich our already esteemed university. 2013/14 is the first year for this SU role and there is a lot to build so I decided that to avoid getting my work lost ,I will create a BME officer handbook to support the next officer.

In the past couple of weeks I have had a meeting with my prospective subcommittee and we discussed the future steps to tackle my manifesto. We have many ideas (all of which I won't reveal just yet) and some future plans include CULTURAL EDUCATION in the form of picture/video campaigns and meetings and collaborations with cultural societies. I would like to get a closer relationship with the cultural societies so I will find the time to participate to their events in the next term. I think it's important that we communicate and educate each other on our cultures.

I have written a motion to have a BME subcommittee and this passed at the last GM which is great!

I met with the general manager and we reviewed and evaluated the events I held during Black History Month. The meeting was very insightful and helped me gain a wider perspective on what to do and how to do it to obtain better and long lasting results.

I have sketched a BME officer logo which should hopefully be ready at beginning of term :)

I have started the process of incorporating Afro-Caribbean and/or other suppliers in the market/campus.

I went to the International Students event at the SU and introduced myself to some international BME students, which was lovely and fun. For the occasion I prepared a flyer (see below) which describes my role and views and has my contact details. I intend to circulate this so you may see it around!

Finally, I went to the NUS Black Students Winter Conference, where I made some connections which will help me with organisation in my role.

I would love for any of you to share your thoughts, ideas, criticisms and experiences, so email me, find me on twitter (@surhulBME) or facebook (surhulBME), get in touch and let me know if you want to get involved with my work! I will be looking for another subcommittee member before the next GM. I am your representative and want to do the best job I possibly can :).

L.V.B BME officer