Monday 5th to Sunday 11th November, 2012
What have I been up to this week? Well, I ran away to Brighton where I hid in my room and tried to get as much of my degree work done as possible.
So, Equality & Liberation had to take a backseat this week; but as soon as my lectures restart from tomorrow, I'll be taking it all on again. But I did do some emails, organised for the Senate this Thursday and promoted the petition as best I could, so I didn't forget all about my role! Lined up this week, I have a meeting with the Scrutiny & Accountability board (they make sure we work on the things in our manifesto), I'm going to the LGBT Soc Trans Welfare Elections and also to the I&R Senate on Thursday.
A few things for you to look out for:
1. Sign the petition! The campus nursery fees are far too expensive for the Staff of Holloway, let alone the students. If we want to be an institution that's open and accessible for everyone, including student parents, then we need an affordable nursery. The SU is supporting the UCU in campaigning for this, begin with one small step by signing!
2. Attend the GM! On Tuesday this week is the third General Meeting of the year! For those of you who are curious, a general meeting is where students gather together to decide on what the Students Union should stand for. You usually have a President or Rep from each Society and Sport there, as well as the Elected Officers. It's a good opportunity to see EXACTLY what we do and what we say we do! Also, come and say hello! We're usually tired by 6pm on a Tuesday, but don't hesitate to tell us what you think about anything. It's what we're here for!
3. Come to the I&R Senate! Another thing that's happening is the I&R Senate! We will be meeting this Thursday, 6pm, in Imagine. We'll be chasing up on each other's progress so far, finding out future plans, deciding what our future plans should be and also coming up with events for SHAG Week (that's Sexual Health Advice and Guidance, folks!). Pop down and say hello, even if you're only a little bit curious! Meet us all, and you can tell us what you think we should be doing!
In the meantime I wish you a wonderful Remembrance Sunday,
and I hope that this sunshine stays with us a little longer.
In the meantime I wish you a wonderful Remembrance Sunday,
and I hope that this sunshine stays with us a little longer.
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