Sunday, 24 February 2013

A Magical Monday in February and More!

Monday 18th February to Sunday 24th February 2013

What has my week been like? I'd like to begin with the first day of the week; Monday. 
I'm beginning with this because Monday was one of the best days of my life, something I realised upon waking up the following morning. 
Usually, as a student, everything feels like a battle. You work hard to get your essays done, you fight to do your reading, you push to get out of bed and go to your lectures. Working in the SU with Liberation, I'm used to working on campaigns and with people that requires effort to function. This Monday, however, was one of those days where everything fell into place - and I mean everything!

One of the main things that fell into place, was that the I&R Senate secured funding for an extra Observer Delegate at the NUS Disabled Students Conference 2013. This is all thanks to the Educational Support Team, who secured the funding. This conference is actually this week, and so we're wishing our Royal Holloway delegates all the best. Liberation conferences are an incredibly inspiring experience, and if you identify with any of them I thoroughly recommend going to one. Even if the opportunity for the NUS Conferences this year has passed you by, try and find or even set up your own caucuses (forums of self-defining individuals). I promise that you'll learn more about yourself and your identity than you thought possible. 

The talk last week.

Monday evening the I&R Senate held a discussion called "Let's Talk About Liberation Officers", and we were lucky enough to have Hannah Paterson the NUS Disabled Students Officer, Aaron Kiely the NUS Black Students Officer and Susan Cook, the London Met LGBT+ Officer come and speak with us. They provided incredible insight into their own struggles, their collective struggles and the importance of Liberation Officers in any Student's Union. They made me so proud of SURHUL and our four new Liberation Officers who will come into their roles early next year. If you would like to run for any of those positions, nomination packs need to be handed in to our SU by 4pm on Monday. You can find the nomination packs online here:

Speaking of Mondays, this Monday the 25th February is our very own Body Positivity Day! We have a viral video and several body positive blogs that help spread the positive image. Keep an eye on our facebook page to find out more!

The Thursday just gone was Feminist Society's second birthday, and we partied like it was our birthday! Susuana has done an incredible job, including organising a Student Feminist Conference in London with the help of Ruth and Victoria. Fantastic people, if you talk to them you'll be in as much awe as I am, as they seem to be unstoppable feminists. Just as I was saying about caucuses and self-defining conferences, it's incredible to be around people who think like you and yet challenge you further. It's thoroughly refreshing. You can find out more about the RHUL Feminism Society here:

Rose, Me, Ruth, Susuana, Vic and Josie!

As usual, get in touch if you would like to be involved in anything! We'll be seeing you at the General Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm, and you can find out more here: This week is also RAG week, where we are Raising And Giving money to several charities. Find all the events (and there are some awesome ones) here:

Some final words: don't give up. Whatever it is that you are fighting for, whatever that essay is or project deadline - don't give up. 

This is me with a long face in a library, with a really cool jumper.
Have an awesome week everyone!

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