One of the exercises we've had to do is plan out the next year and how we're going to do everything we've committed to. Now, I really want Liberation Week to happen and will work towards that with Violet, Vic and Jack, but this is just the list of things from my manifesto - so here's what I'll be up to all year (alongside my degree):
If you want to help, tweet me on @SURHULDisabled or find me on Facebook or email surhuldisabled[@]
Persons responsible
What to do
NO stickers for elections
Elections officer
Singh re budgeting
Arrange a meeting between myself and those people, propose the idea,
discuss budgeting
When are the next elections? Find out when they are and do that
Election tshirts replaced with sashes
Elections officer
Note: possibly the t-shirts have already been ordered so it might
need to be put in place sooner
When are the next elections? Before then
Campaign-free routes
Elections officer
Sit down in a meeting with them with a campus map and highlight
routes around campus so students can get everywhere without them
Before the next elections
Mobility impaired students and Sshh bus currently as well as the future
Venue managers
Who organises the Sshh buses? Speak to them
College re Sshh bus funding
Arrange a meeting, and discuss a plan – can a security staff member
accompany or help them home? Are there accessible taxis locally? Ring all the
taxi companies to find out.
For the future speak to the college about how they fund the Sshh bus scheme and where they get the buses from
Discuss how we could get an adapted minibus
As soon as possible
Bad weather plan for mobility impaired students, so someone can call
them and check on them
Educational support office
Whoever runs the volunteering scheme
Contact the ESO and discuss this with them, especially for a list of
mobility impaired students, contact all those students and see whether any of
them want it, once we have a list of people that want to have the service,
speak to whoever runs the volunteering scheme to see if volunteers can be up
for it, organise it in terms of having it set up
Beginning of November – before the cold weather sets in
Mental health first-aider training
RAG chair
Venue manager
Performance society presidents
Research how much it costs, speak to Sidonie and RAG chair about
fundraising for it, organise a fundraising event and see if performance
societies are willing to perform at it
End of my term
Mental health week panel
Discuss what night we could do it
Organise a room
Find a panel of students with different mental health problems
willing to discuss them
Design posters advertising it
Mental health week – when is it?
Two week wait
Counselling service at college
Find out who funds them and that person
Speak to the counselling service to see whether they can currently do
If they can’t discuss how they could, how many more counsellors they’d
Speak to college about getting that many more counsellors and how
much it’d cost
Lobby college for the extra funding using statistics of students with
mental health problems
If college refuse look into how we can campaign further to convince
End of my term
Campus access audit
College – who is at the top in terms of venue management
Educational support office
Disabled students network
Discuss the cost of getting a professional access audit that we could
then advertise online
If we can’t afford that then work with the disabled students network
to divide campus up and discuss a rating scheme
End of my term
Disabled Students Allowance campaign
Educational Support Office
Research how to apply for it, what paperwork is needed, how it works
Design posters that explain it with a point of contact for applying
for it
Have an event of some kind in which it’s discussed and disabled
students talk about how it’s benefited them – the ESO might recommend
students who are willing to
Produce a leaflet about it
End of my term
The community
Find out what’s happening to local Mental Health services
Health centre? Internet?
Local groups for people with MH problems
Be willing to work with other organisations in the local area on this,
and find out what’s already happening
Raise awareness of the cuts if they’re happening
If there is no response yet, look at the kind of protest that could
be arranged
End of my term, any major government bills relating to this
Engaging with the local community relating to cuts in Englefield
Green and Egham to health services
Contact Save Our Services in Surrey
Other community groups
Speak to these groups
If any kind of protest is being organised look into coaches or
If there are major cuts and there is no protest, look into organising
End of my term, any government bills
Accessible shower space
The Village
Contact the ESO and find out whether there are students with mobility
impairments not currently living in adapted housing, and whether this might
ever be wanted
Speak to The Village about their shower space, how much it costs to
use, whether students could use it for free, timings
Organise for the ESO to advertise this possibility for students who
might require it
End of my term
Accessible sports teams
Sports officer
Person in college responsible for sports funding
Speak to the college about the need for disabled students to have
access to sports
Explain the lack of demand and the difficulty of setting up our own
teams because of the variety of adapted sports and number of students
Look at what local accessible sports teams exist and how we could get
students to them in terms of adapted transport
Suggest costings to the college and how important this is, and press
them for funding
The end of my term
Casual sport
Sports Officer
Discuss the viability of sports teams offering to facilitate
occasional casual sessions for students who aren’t so good at sport but want
to do some for fun
Organise and advertise these
End of my term
BUCS and adapted sports
Hannah Paterson
Daryl Jones
Speak to Hannah about relevant contacts she might have and what’s
happening with this
Contact BUCS and ask what the current situation is
Act from there
End of my term
The Union
Quiet room during union nights
Venue manager
Security manager
Organise the meeting and explain why this would be useful or
necessary for disabled students
Discuss potential challenges and trial it
End of my term
Safe areas for mobility impaired students during union nights
Venue manager
Security manager
Explain why this is needed in terms of the crush
Look at the SU and which areas are easy to get to, easy to section
off and might be useful
Discuss potential challenges and trial it
End of my term
Access information for union nights
Venue manager
Tech crew
Disabled students network
Find out what things the disabled students network think are
important to know before venue nights
Discuss with the venue manager, tech crew and DJs how these things
are planned and how far in advance
Design a sheet that can be filled in with ticks or whatever
symbolising what will be present, eg strobe lights, fast moving lights, high
volume music, more or less full venue, other things added or removed
Discuss how to make it policy that that sheet is displayed at the
point that tickets go on sale on and offline so disabled students can be
prepared for the venue night
End of my term
General meetings with access breaks every 90 minutes
This is in progress and the
motion will be ready for the first general meeting
Union Chair
Discuss this with Alex Cadier
Write a motion on why this is important
Write a speech explaining this
Have a vote
First general meeting of the year
The University
Lecture notes and recordings
Educational services
VPs of the university in charge of education
Deans of departments
Explain why this is important, whether it’s recordings, transcripts
or notes
Explain how this would help students to learn
Discuss ways of preventing it stopping students attending lectures
Contact other universities that already do this to see whether it’s
affected their lecture attendance
End of my term
Founders’ Library access campaign
Whoever Sid tells me to speak to
Find out what’s happening so far with the Founders’ Library access
Support and continue to look for ways of making it more accessible to
mobility impaired students
End of my term
Avoiding students as learning support mentors where people want
Disabled students network
Discuss this with the disabled students network to see where it’s a
problem and if it’s a problem for disabled students
Explain to the ESO why it is (if it is) – patronising, risk of friends of friends, not wanting other students
to know about their issues, wanting the choice to have someone separate from
the student community
End of my term
Benefits pack
Research the benefits disabled students might be entitled to
Produce a leaflet about this
Ask the ESO to distribute it
End of my term
Disabled Students’ Network
Whoever does room bookings
Book a room for an evening the week after welcome week
Advertise through the ESO
Make posters
Ensure that as many students of all years as possible know it exists,
and ensure that they also know who has the right to attend
Try and bring tea and biscuits and discuss when would be a convenient
time and week for this to meet fortnightly
As soon as possible
Disabled Students’ Facebook group
ESO to advertise
This is already set up and needs to be advertised
Disabled Students’ Officer Facebook page, twitter, etc
ESO to advertise
This is already set up and needs to be advertised
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