Sunday, 2 December 2012

Alison Lapper, an Open Forum and Disability

Monday 26th November to Sunday 2nd December 2012

Disability at Royal Holloway

As you may know, it is Disabled History Month. 
I&R Senate Poster: Stevie Wonder
Disability can be physical, mental or a learning difficulty, and we need to change the stigma that surrounds this word. Disability is something that makes people feel uncomfortable - and it shouldn't. We need a kind of role model. We need to see more people who are comfortable with their disability, and not only during the paralympics. We need to acknowledge that disability doesn't define us, that we decide who we are. 
On Wednesday the 5th December, 1pm until 3pm in the International Building (IN244) we have a "Let's Talk About Disability" with student speakers from Royal Holloway and Cambridge University. Come along and show your support. You can find a link to the talk here:
You can also find images and quotes from famous disabled people on the Inclusion & Representation Senate Facebook Page, here:

Let's Talk About Sex & Sexuality

This was a cosy event, and the speakers included a volunteer from the Terrence Higgins Trust who explained safe sexual health. We also addressed the concept of virginity and exploring one's sexuality at University, we talked about homosexuality and contraception, and promiscuity. We covered most things, and the whole point of the talk was to discuss various kinds of sex and sexuality, and to emphasise that it's ok as long as you and your partner(s) are safe and happy. It's important that we also talk about asexuality and abstinence, because these are also dimensions of sexuality that are often ignored. 
It was SHAG week this week (Sexual Health Advice & Guidance), so there was plenty of information available and also trips to the sexual health clinic as well. Remember, you can pick up free and anonymous Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tests from both the SU and the Health Centre throughout the year. Condoms, lube and dental dams are also available from the SU, and the Campus Health Centre has a Sexual Health & Contraception nurse every term-time Wednesday (by appointment). So even if SHAG week was only for a week, remember the information throughout the year!

Open Forum on General Meetings

This was on Tuesday evening in Imagine. It was great to see a variety of people: the President, some members of the Executive Committee, some first years and a few second years as well. It's worth noting that all of  Exec wanted to come, but I managed to dissuade the majority in order to encourage first and second year undergraduates to provide ideas and suggestions. I find that it's very easy to bat ideas away when you're used to the system, but what we needed were the fresh, new eyes we all began with once. 
We used big pieces of paper to mind map the problems and solutions around Twitter, the seating arrangement and timings of motions etc.
We came up with the following alterations that will all be implemented next general meeting (the 4th December: We'll be wanting your feedback also, so please do keep your eyes peeled on the night! I'll have forms available and an anonymous posting box too. For accountability's sake, and because I will do everything I can to make sure this all happens, here's our list (with Exec's suggestions as well):

- Motions always published on a friday (check out the SU website!)
- Food is made available through Rialto
- Chair has an aid ( a member of the Demok team), and both sit on the stage, with the Steering Desk on the floor and to the left
- Twitter is projected onto a screen. Something nasty is tweeted = warning. If done again, blocked from twitter screen.
- Email the chair with questions from your college email if too shy to ask out loud
- Stricter on mocking or aggressive behaviour, at the Chair's discretion
- General Meeting seating arranged into a Semi-circle
- Copies of relevant documents (motions, agendas etc) available at steering desk
- Pieces of paper handed out with the elected positions available
- Chair explains procedural motions at the beginning of the General Meeting
- Maximum of 20minutes additional discussion time for a motion, in 2x 10minute increments.
- Guillotines (strict timings)
- Pause after each motion
- If someone speaks after their allocated time, then 5seconds after the chair says "time" their microphone is switched off.
- Music during each break
- Feedback box on these changes made

I'm happy to announce that the first task has already been done: the motions are available online at , and this evening I will start making our feedback box (it will be beautiful!).

Me in the Insanity Radio Studio

Insanity Radio

I was on air a lot this week! I spent an hour on Nehanda's show on Tuesday (every Tuesday, 7pm to 8pm). She was very kind, as she let my dad sit in the background quietly! He had come to visit me as he was in the area. Nehanda has an amazing show where she asks questions, talks about and plays music on life and love, all spurred on by a wordless meeting with a handsome man in Starbucks in Staines. Listen to her show, it's incredible and a great laugh to listen to. She asked me what my greatest fear was in terms of relationships - a question that actually took me a lot of thought. Now that I know my answer, I feel empowered by knowing my one weakness, but also remarkably humbled by it. My greatest fear? Not being understood. 
As per usual, I had my show Desert Island Sid with Craig McVegas (Wednesdays at 11am). It's one of my last shows, as I won't be able to continue next term. Hopefully I'll be able to record a few and fill in for people when they're ill! Anyway, Craig has led a very interesting life and we talked about his favourite songs and facts. Luckily for us, the music we needed was uploaded minutes before the show itself - Insanity has changed it's programming system this week, which led to a complicated juggle of music on the system midweek. 
Half way through my Wednesday show, it transpired that both Kenny and Jamie were too ill to take on the SU show (on every Wednesday from 12 until 2pm), so Craig and I obliged. We are both Exec Officers, you see. We talked about everything - from upcoming SU events to SHAG week to Disabled History Month, from the referendum to live music to movember. Not bad for a last minute show!
Remember, you can listen online at: and tweet them!

Craig, our Campaigns Officer at the Insanity Radio Studio

I&R Senate

We had a brief informal meeting on Wednesday where we went over what is needed to develop a campaign. Next term will be incredibly busy, and we need to start planning now! The I&R Senate now has a regular meeting: every Tuesday, between 5pm and 6pm in Rialto. Come along and show your face, share your ideas and take part in the awesomeness that is the I&R Senate! As always, like our Facebook page and feel free to email me

What's happening this week? A lot!

Monday 3rd December 2012
"The Crisis in Palestine: an Evening of Discussion", in ALT 1 at 7pm

RHUBARB TV Board Member Elections, MLT at 7pm

Tuesday 4th December 2012
I&R Senate meets at Rialto, 5pm

The General Meeting, 6.30pm, SU main hall

Wednesday 5th December 2012
Let's Talk About Disability, 1pm in the International Building, IN244

Film Night: Love Holloway Hate Hatred, ALT1, 7pm

Thursday 6th December 2012
Student Worker Forum, SU Main Hall at 6.30pm

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