Saturday, 29 December 2012

Honest Truth, Optimism and "How Are You?"

Festive Season Reflections on 2012

These past few months, I have been finding things hard. It might not be a surprise to you, seeing as well as this role, I am in my final year of my degree and I have a part time job. I'm telling you now, it was a surprise to me! I knew I could do all of these things, as well as a weekly radio show. What I didn't count on was getting ill and then tired, and then emotionally stretched.

I got to a point where I decided to start admitting to people that I was finding it hard, every now and then in the "How are you?" question we ask each other daily. I tried to touch on being less patient and more and more frustrated, particularly with this role I volunteer in. I tried to touch on being ill and unwell. I thought that by admitting I was finding it hard, I would firstly make myself stronger and secondly it would this hard time would magically vanish. It didn't work quite like that.

I was in two minds about writing this on my blog post, which is supposed to be professional about Equality & Liberation. I didn't want to admit a weakness really, and I was afraid. However it stayed with me, and more importantly I cannot be the only person at Royal Holloway who finds things hard.

We all get caught up with the stress of our course, the essay deadlines, our part-time work, looking after our health, our friendships and relationships and much more. If there is one thing that this year has taught me, then it is that everybody has their own shit going on. I've been preparing for Mental Health Awareness Week next term, and I've realised just how important it is to ask those three words - "How are you?". We all deal with stress in different ways, but when you're living alone with people you haven't known for more than a few years, coping can be tough. Where do you even begin? Start by asking those three words. If RHULAgony Aunt and the rest of those pages are anything to go by, we're not alone.

We've come so far this 2012: Liberation Officers in Disability, BME, Women & Marginalised Genders and LGBT+ will come into place in our Union. Societies are holding more collaborative talks and debates to probe the student mind. We have changed small things in General Meetings to make them more accessible and we've altered how elections are run. We're slowly making Founders Library wheelchair accessible, and beginning to talk about liberation. We're going places.

University is a whirlwind of experiences, embrace every single one of them! Do not forget how much you've put in to your society, your ideas, your course and your passions. Not often enough are we appreciative and encouraging of each other. We forget that every one else has their own hurdles to jump on top of their workloads, which makes even seemingly small achievements mountainous!
You know what? I appreciate you. I appreciate the fact that you take the time to read my blog!

So this New Year, remember the good times when things are hard. Remember to check how the family, friends and acquaintances around you are doing. Remember to prioritise your health before your course, and your course before your hobbies. Remember that summer is coming, that 2013 is a fresh start for you to be whatever you want to be - or that you can be just the same. Remember to laugh and be silly and to forget about work for a bit. But most importantly, remember how wonderful you are, how strong, how lovely - because when the hard time comes around, you'll need reminding.

Seasonal Greetings from May and I!

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