Sunday, 2 June 2013

SURHUL is Increasing Representation!

Today, I am very happy. I write this blog post in a mist of content (if such a thing never before existed, it does now).

Last night SURHUL held the by-election results. I've been away so I wasn't able to keep updated on the campaigns, but looking at the Facebook pages, manifestos and sheer number of people talking about the elections, it was a success. Running an election campaign, and even more so a successful one, is hard work. Congratulations to everyone who participated, because taking part really does deserve recognition as much as winning. This goes to not only the candidates, but the campaign teams also: it's people like you that make SURHUL what it is.

So onto the winners: congratulations to you all! You can see the list of winners here.
Of all of the elections, I am most proud that the positions of Disabled Students Officer and Black and Minority Ethnic Officer have been filled with two excellent candidates: Matthew Reuben and Lucinda Violet respectively.

This is the penultimate stage to replacing my current role as Equality & Liberation Officer with the four new officers. Already we have Victoria Butcher in the role of Women and Marginalised Genders Officer, and Jack Saffers as LGBT+ Officer, which completes the four Officers replacing the one.
It is the penultimate stage, as this week we will begin meeting, comparing manifestos and organising ideas in such a way as to make next year as successful as possible, whilst making allowances for extra commitments and, obviously, studying.

To tell you that I am excited about this is an understatement. I have been working during the whole of this academic year trying to engage people in liberation and awareness raising. Sometimes it worked really well, such as the Mental Health Awareness Week - and sometimes less so. I learnt from all of
these events and mistakes, much like we all would. The most amazing thing was making the I&R Senate work, through a Facebook page and regular meetings. This is as much a credit to the people who made up the senate, as to myself. It would not have been possible, nor nearly as engaging, without you all.

In the meantime, remember that I am free this week to talk to anyone and everyone with ideas for next year - simply get in touch.

Hope you're having a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just want to say that I am very excited to take on the Black and Minority Ethnic officer position and look forward to working with all the other liberation officers in the coming year!
    Luisa Violet Bordoli
    BME officer
